Saturday, May 31, 2008

Another crappy survey...... sianzzz T.T

1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by them.

2.Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot be refused, these people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.Continue this game by sending it to other people.


1) If your lover betrayed you,what will your reaction be?

I would be pretty angry?Ask for a 分手 or something.....

2) If you could wish for ten things,what would be the most important wish of all?

To have a good frienship!

3) What will your dream wedding be like?

Frankly speaking, I have not thought about it.....

4) What would you do with a billion dollars?

I would do something.....IF I had a billion dollars

5)What is your ideal lover like?

I dunno......

6)Which is more blessed?Loving someone or being loved by someone?

I think it should be loving someone...... I'm more used to giving than taking........

7)How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

Depends on how much I love her.........

8)If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

Wish them happiness?

9)Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?


10)What cheers you up the fastest?

Playing computer!!!

11)How do you see yourself in ten years time?

Studying and working at the same time.....

12)Who is currently the most important person to you?

Ermms.... I dunno.......

13)What kind of person do you think the person has tagged you is?

Mandy-A fun and energetic girl who is kinda dumb......LOLZ

14)Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?

Neither?Can I have married AND rich at the same time?

15)What's the first thing you do every morning?

Brush my teeth OBVIOUSLY .........

16)Would you give all in a relationship?


17)If you fall in love with two people simultaneously,who would you pick?

I don't really think that I would land myself in this kind of situations....

18)What kind of friends do you like?

Friends who will stick to the end with you....

Sorry I haven't posted for a long time.......... My sister was hogging the computer for her manga comics......

And ermms......I can't think of anyone to tag! LOLZ.................

{Saturday, May 31, 2008}!


Thursday, May 29, 2008 here is the survey......

List 20 people you can think of.Do not read any of the questions before listing.

1) Andy
2) Cheryl
3) Yee Ling
4) Ryan
5) Pin Yi
6) Jerome
7) Mandy
8) Yi Xuan
9) Jun Sheng
10) Christopher
11) Rong Wei
12) Desmond
13) Selina
14) Glen Tay
15) Claudia
16) Aveline
17) Hui Zhen
18) Jing Cheng
19) Guan Ze
20) Yi Yang

Q1) How did you meet 14?
Glen Tay - In Chinese Class duirng primary school.......

Q2) What would you do if you never met 1?
Andy - I would copy answers from other people bcause I copy his homework......

Q3) What if 9 and 20 dated?
JunSheng and YiYang? They are of the same gender they can't date!

Q4) Will 6 and 17 date?
Jerome and HuiZhen - Ermms.... I think the answer should be: DUH! Most Likely they will but may be they will not(who knows)...........

Q5) Describe 3.
Yee Ling - Ermms.... A Listening ear for all friends . Very easy-going and takes everything easy...(like her hotmail....hahas)

Q6) Describe 7.
Mandy - A funny but somewhat dumb friend who cheers up the mood and likes someone...(the someone is obvious)

Q7) Do you know 12's family members?
Desmond - Nope.

Q8) What if 18 confessed that he/she likes you?
Jing Cheng? Are you kidding me? If he does that he is GAY(which is quite unlikely as his a PAI KIA)

Q9) Who is 9 going steady with?
Jun Sheng - The answer is kinda obvious..........LOLZ

Q10) How old is 16?
Aveline - 12

Q11) When is the last time you spoke with 13?
Selina - 4 days ago?

Q12) What is 2's favourite band/singer?
Cheryl - I haven't got a clue.................

Q13) Would you ever date 1?
Andy - OMG NO WAY MAN!!!!!...... I would be so GAY.........

Q14) Is 19 single?
Guan Ze? I think he should be.......

Q15) Would you ever be in a relationship with 11?
Rong Wei? I don't think that is possible...........

Q16) School of 3?
Yee Ling - Anglican High.....duh....

Q17) Where does 6 live?
Jerome - Tanah Merah(just outside the school)

Q18) What is your favourite thing of 5?
Pin Yi - Drawings and explanations of aircraft and military equipment....

I've omitted question 19 as it was too sick.......

This was given to me by Mandy..........hahas........T.T

{Thursday, May 29, 2008}!


Sunday, May 25, 2008

today is a sianzzzz day...

grats... school holidays have come ...woots!I can finally wake up late and play com...haha

2 days before I went to andy's chalet.... it was pretty fun.... but kinda sianzzz.....mandy was cycling so slowly.... and the satay and fried chicken were damn shiok I tell you.... thanks andy for inviting me to your chalet.... it was so kind of you...... and sorry I can't go for the chalet yesterday..... I had to find the chinese book that I lost and speaking of which.... , the two books that zhou laoshi gave us.... i had only the "little prince".... I did not have the other one.... the 应用文 I also dont have.... and my mum was like damn angry.... so she made me call the person who gave the 跨越生死的爱.... and that was leeqing..... I called her and she said that it was not her that gave out the book.... it was cuiwen.... so I called cui wen and she said that Ryan took one book but did not pay for it...... so I called Ryan..... and indeed.... he took my book.....and my mum was like so pissed off....... hahas...

Today i went to training... sianzzz , I saw selina and other ppl...... haha... and I am checking how to get into I cant get in.....whatevers....

sianzzzz...........(and I know your secret.....)

{Sunday, May 25, 2008}!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hahas... I am finally able to change my template!!! woots! and It was all thanks to Andy for helping me..... thanks so much... and there was nothing much about today.....although there was one thing to rejoice about.... there is NO MORE ART FOR THIS TERM!!! hahas...its because I have very lousy skills in art....ugh....

The show on moral attitude and netiquette was kinda of boring.... I slept through it all the there was 3 periods for checking our marks.... and i got one of the lowest..... arghs.... I could have scored higher if not for my carelessness.... oh well.... you cant cry over spilt milk...(from the skits yesterday) .......hahaha and speaking of which,we went to paozi's house yesterday..... there were alot of people going which include: boozen,christopher,shawn,chia hong,nicholas,me.... and there were girls too(obviously)... sylvia,deborah,aveline and mandy went to visit him as well....we went to buy bubble tea for him and wasted alot of time there....the uncle there was like so busy....and when we got there...pao was alr waiting for us.... and when he saw mandy and mandy saw him........ they were both like so paisehh.......LOLZ.....hahas....

Anyways.... after that I went my way back home to play computer....hahas


{Wednesday, May 21, 2008}!


Friday, May 16, 2008

yesterday,I went to the air force museum and it was so cool!!!!the aircraft was huge and the were allot of shows/videos about the aircraft.unfortunately,there were no f-15 or f-18 or f-22...... so sad.....

today alot of people were emoing because of their results of various tests.......huizhen emo and cried it was so sad..... but the worse of the 2 was mandy.... that one cry untill like going to die like that....because of results or paozi???and even worse..... paozi was playing football and boozen ramed the ball..... junsheng chased, slipped and use his right arm as a blocker....his arm's bone bent in and part of the bone in the hand was exposed to the air....( quite gory)

The paozi was sent to the KK hospital via ambulance and after that, it was emoing.....:(

so now I am typing this blog in the PW period....PW sux like crap.........who wouldnt agree???

During PE it was boys vs girls...... we were dio owned....there were too much girls....... hahahas


{Friday, May 16, 2008}!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

sorry to all people that I never post lately......
had been busy studying lately.....
very hardworking right???

So on friday it was still the same as all friday....boring lessons .......... played captain's ball ........
CD............ PW arghhs........why is my life so sianzzzz???
Anyways..... on monday we had sewing for home econs !!! That was so cool!!! Shawn & Paozi had some what not so good eyesight and they ask me to thread the string for them....and soon they started calling me "god threader" diaozzzz...... and todae was also the same..... I didn't know what to do for the role play for the acting ....... so I decided I should be the "dio owned "guy. hahahas

well thats for all todae......( and now its like 11.20pm alr)............hahahaha T.T

{Tuesday, May 13, 2008}!


Friday, May 2, 2008

Todays a normal day........ the chinese test I received 32/50....... it was like so low as compared to others ........... and during PE we only ran 5 rounds around the basketball court......... it was so easy! After that was the Captain's Ball game! I didnt know what happened to me and I kept banging into people........ i am sooooo sorry about that some girls think that I want to kill them...........LoL.... and to cheryl........ I'm sorry for your spectacles getting smashed/dented/twisted because of me. I really am truly sorry about it......and soon I started to emo......... but either way. I went to do the pw later and finished our music project.......... haizzzzz ...............Sianzzzzzzzzzz :(

{Friday, May 02, 2008}!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today is labour day...... its supposed to be a holiday but I'm still very sianzzzzz.
I've did finished my homework and all the other stuff........ and my sister is playing my PSP.......
Haizzz.....I'm still sianzzz........... I may blow up the pokka green tea packet to stop me from being sianzzz..... but I am downloading a new game for my psp...... so now this blogg thingy is lagging like crazy(the game is over 1GB) least I can play the game later.........Sianzzz..................

{Thursday, May 01, 2008}!


Yee Cheng Xi
30 Nov 95

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